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New Row Primary School, Castledawson

Digital Leaders 2023/24

To further develop the ICT skills of our pupils and staff at New Row St Patrick's Primary School we have instigated a Digital Leaders Programme. As part of a team, Digital Leaders are expected to perform the following roles within school:

- Test and review new apps.

- Set up ICT equipment in classrooms for teachers.

-Charge IPADS weekly and ensure all apps are downloaded and updated regularly.

- Test new ICT resources, which could be websites, software, and hardware.

- Share their skills and expertise with other pupils , classes, and teachers to ensure that all pupils and staff have the support and guidance needed to stay safe and become confident using digital technology.

- Attend and provide support at after school coding club on a Wednesday. Pupils will learn and use some of the following apps appropriately e.g. Scratch Junior, Scratch , Just2Easy and Microbits.

-Ensure the Chromebooks are stored correctly.

- Have Fun!

Digital Leaders